Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Spring is here in it's full bloom and glory and summer is just around the corner. It always amazes me what a flat or two of color can do for my mood this time of the year.  After the dreary days of the winter chill, rain and clouds it's so nice to be out on my patio and in the yard getting my hands dirty in the moist, black soil, watering my babies and watching them bloom into a gorgeous show to enjoy over the next few months.  I've lived in my current home for almost five years now and it's taken almost all of that time to get my yard and patio to look (almost) the way I like it.  I have many plants, flowers and little "critters" that keep me company when I'm outside enjoying my space.  I often imagine when I'm at work, that they all come to life and chat with my two little dogs all afternoon on the patio to keep them company until I return home in the evenings.

My little gardening bumble-bee. He's so happy!

Bird feeder for our feathered friends.  Too bad the dogs chase them away every morning!

Pretty butterfly enjoys the flowers.

A comfy place to sit and enjoy.

My relaxing fountain.  I love that I can hear it from inside my house as well.

This birdhouse was made by my grandfather some 10 years ago before he died.
It's looking a little shabby; I hope  I can preserve it as long as possible.

Ladybug mama and her baby.

Colorful impatiens.  One of my favorites 'cuz they're easy to grow and SO vibrant!

My prized possession - Mandavilla!

Mr. Sun is ALWAYS shining no matter what!

Looks like a nice place to read a book, enjoy a drink or take a nap!  Yes, please!!

What more can I say?
I do believe this little frog has found a comfy place to say his prayers.
Hopefully he's praying for lots of sunshine and occasional rain showers to help the garden along.

This hangs above our spa....teeheehee!
I love having the little tiki lights on in the evenings; they bring such ambiance.

Tic-Tac-Toe, anyone?
I made this from an old bamboo cutting board, some paint and stones.


  1. I love the description you have of yourself...
    I too think I was intended to live somewhere else..doing something else...
    but the one thing I did get right!!
    My spouse - I'll be happy with him where ever my address is
    I'd love the same life with one addition----
    I've always wanted a shelf on my kitchen window for cooling pies...
    and fried chicken on Sunday afternoons

  2. oops...that's two things...

    and one more...

    a clothesline...with chickens walking around under it

    1. Love all your ideas! Maybe I'll hang a clothesline on my patio...not sure if the City of Tustin would appreciate the chickens clucking in my backyard tho!
